Sunday 25 July 2021

Erika's first sentence!

I'm so happy to hear my darling 1 year old saying words everyday! She have already few words and can understand more words if you instruct her what to do. But today , as I have her clothes in my hand, she wanted it and when I said "NO" she shouted back "That is mine" ! There you go! This is her first sentence!

Update: Today is April 24, 2022

Wow, I can't imagine I have this on record! Erika is now 11 years and 6 months old . But it's so amazing that we just had this topic, a few days ago on their query about what was their first sentence! For my oldest I answered right away, It was "Var är Pappa?" which means "Where is Papa". But for Erika, I did ponder what was that! And then I found this hehhe! 

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